11 March 2010

A Collection of Greatness

To all those internet geeks and freaks out there you may be familiar with the awesome musings of www.sightunseen.com
Sight Unseen is a design come bespoke culture, quirky blog for lovers of anything a little bit eccentric. I read this post and thought it pretty well summed up Sight Unseen and what it stands for, 'give or take' obviously.

Click this: http://www.sightunseen.com/lisa-congdon-artist-and-collector/

This post is about a Mrs Elisabeth Congdon, a San Franciscan with a eye for bespoke collectors items. Some of the collections showcased on the blog are simply breathtaking, such as the red kitchenware and the old postcards. Congdon's love for collecting objects is so existential, eccentric and somewhat romantic. An inspiringly captivating insight into someone else's little universe. Another impressive installation into the Sight Unseen chronology of cool.

Here is the personal blog from Elisabeth Congdon titled A Collection A Day... Pretty self explanatory.

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